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Showing posts with label hemp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hemp. Show all posts

29 January 2018

Hemp food approved for consumption

Touted for its significant health benefits, it is likely hemp will rise to be Australia’s new favourite superfood.

After years of lobbying, national and state food minsters recently approved the consumption of low- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) hemp seed foods in Australia. Commonly misconceived due to its close relations to marijuana, hemp consumption was prohibited in Australia due to concerns it would alter roadside and workplace drug tests. However, the recent approval for hemp consumption has given the green light on this new superfood, giving Australians the opportunity to boost their health with a protein rich and environmentally friendly food source.

When you review the health and environmental qualities of hemp, it stands out among its counterparts. Hemp as a food source contains various vitamins, minerals, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 fatty acids. It contains all 10 essential amino acids plus 14 fatty acids, making it a complete protein and one of the best plant-based proteins for vegans. Unlike marijuana, industrial hemp grown to produce food and other hemp materials contains much lower levels of the mind-altering chemical THC. Industrial hemp only contains approximately 0.3 to 1.5 percent of THC whereas marijuana can contain 5 to 10 percent or more.

Hemp is a highly sustainable quick growing plant that requires little water to produce, and is naturally resistant to pests which means it does not require chemical pesticides or herbicides. Unlike cotton and flax which can adsorb up to 50 percent of the pesticides sprayed on them. For farmers, hemp can be used as a rotational crop between planting periods. Its thick foliage and dense growth prevents sunlight reaching the soil which aids in reduce weed growth. The plant helps to replenish nutrients and improve soil tilth, reduce salinity, and absorb toxic metals from the soil. At its end of life, hemp can be recycled, reused or composted as it ire environmentally friendly thamore environemntally ore are limited in their scope and can be inconclusive, however as a conscis 100 per cent biodegradable.

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