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16 April 2019

How to use activated charcoal powder

Activated charcoal is a highly porous and detoxifying natural substance that draws bacteria, chemicals, dirt, and other micro particles from the skin and hair. Here are three easy ways to incorporate medicinal grade activated charcoal into your daily routine to naturally cleanse and purify your natural skin care, hair and body. 

Whiten teeth

Activated charcoal powder can be used to whiten teeth and promote good oral health. It draws out oils and stains from teeth and helps to balance pH levels in your mouth to prevent bad breath, gum disease and cavities. 

To use:

Dip a clean, wet toothbrush into the activated charcoal powder and brush teeth gently for two minutes. Spit carefully and rinse well. Repeat daily to achieve noticeable results in two weeks.

Cleanse skin

Cleanse your skin with a homemade activated charcoal facemask. The highly porous substance binds to and helps pull oil and dirt out of your pores, making them less visible. 

To use:

Mix ½ teaspoon of activated charcoal powder with ½ teaspoon of bentonite clay using a wooden spoon in a glass bowl. Add enough water to form a smooth paste. After cleansing, apply the mask evenly. Leave on for up to 10 minutes, then wash off and moisturise.

Hair wash

When used on your hair, activated charcoal draws out oil, dirt and toxins, just like it does for your skin. Plus, because activated charcoal won’t leave the residue regular shampoos will, your hair will feel lighter and have more volume.

To use:

Massage ½ teaspoon of activated charcoal powder into your dry scalp and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and follow with your regular natural hair care routine.

Author & Editor

Tracey Bailey is the founder of Biome Eco Stores and mother of two. After working in corporate communications and starting a family, she made a choice to be part of the solution to our planet's future and started Biome Eco Stores. Tracey is passionate about educating the community about living eco-friendly and sustainable lives through her extended product, chemical, health and environmental knowledge.


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