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Showing posts with label natural home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural home. Show all posts

14 May 2023

How to get rid of insects naturally at home

Get rid of insects naturally at home

The number of chemical pest control options have increased rapidly over the years due to their efficacy in deterring insects. But most of the synthetic chemicals used for these pest control products are extremely harmful to humans and other animals. Natural pest control can be just as effective, if not more, at repelling cockroaches, flies, silverfish, moths, and other insects in and around your home. Here are four natural household insect repellents that are safe to use in your home to help you get rid of insects.

Peppermint oil

The essential oil, Peppermint oil, is a great alternative to the mainstream harsh chemical and plastic-laden pest control options. The major chemical compounds found in peppermint oil include terpene, alcohol and menthol. Each one is a natural fumigant through smell.  The smell receptors of insect and rodent pick up on the compounds and are repelled effectively.

How to use Peppermint oil: Apply at least 5 drops of peppermint oil to each cotton ball and place in various locations around the house. This will repel insects and rodents. Place the oil in areas where rodents get inside your home such as small cracks in the wall, doorways and windowsills. It’s important for them to detect the smell before entry. It masks the pheromone trail of rodent excreta that then attracts other rodents and shows them the ‘pathways’ in your home. Refresh the cotton balls at least once a month.

Huon Pine

Huon Pine has been used in Tasmania as a pest deterrent for more than 150 years, so it’s safe to say it works! Linii Huon Pine has a scent that naturally repels insects, like silverfish, moths, fleas and mites. Although it won’t kill pests or solve any infestations, it will stop them nesting in the area. This makes it great for the wardrobe and kitchen cupboard.  

How to use Huon Pine:  The sale of the protected species, Huon Pine is highly regulated and these ancient trees must be protected.   Linii makes sachets filled with huon shavings that are left over after furniture making from stockpiled Huon pine.  Sachets are placed in your cupboards and linen storage boxes.

You can also protect your pet from itchy bites with Huon Pine as it naturally repels fleas. Sprinkle some inside the cover of your animal’s bed or with fresh hay when cleaning a cage. 


Burning sandalwood replaces the need to burn citronella candles made from paraffin and toxic mosquito coils which contain a combination of chemicals including various pyrethroids. When burnt mosquito coils release numerous suspected and known human carcinogens including aldehyde, formaldehyde, small particles and several benzene derivatives. Some coils can contain Octachlorodipropylether (S-2) which expose humans to bis-chloromethyl ether (BCME), an extremely intoxicating lung carcinogen.

The harvesting of Sandalwood is also regulated in Australia.  The spiritual, therapeutic and healing properties of sandalwood have been recognised for thousands of years, and it is a native species that grows in the arid regions of Western Australia. 

How to use Sandalwood for mosquitos: burn Australian-made sandalwood sticks from New Mountain, that contain no other fillers or harmful propellents.

Sandalwood is an effective natural repellent and provides a safe alternative to mosquito coils. Essential oils such as lemon eucalyptus, geranium, soybean, citronella, fennel, thyme, clove oil, celery extract, neem oil and picaridin are also effective at repelling mosquitos.  

Red cedar

Red cedar wood blocks are an effective moth deterrent and a safe alternative to chemical moth balls. The pleasant natural cedar aroma will deter moths without harmful chemicals.

The heavy scent of the oil from cedar is said to mask the smell of the wool and fabrics so that the moths is not attracted to lay their eggs.  

How to use Red cedar:  Place wooden blocks in your cupboards and pack away with you winter woollens.  Over time, cedar blocks can lose their scent, so red cedar oil is available to refresh the moth-repelling effectiveness. 

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