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What is the planet happy to give me to eat today?
Let's flip around the concept of looking in a recipe book for something that we would like to cook,
heading off to the supermarket to buy the required ingredients then coming home to make that for dinner.
20 Mar 2016
Pledge single use plastic free in July
Experts predict by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Take part in Plastic Free July and pledge to stop using single use plastic items for one month.
5 July 2017
Glass Containers for safe food storage by Wean Green
Fabulous new larger size glass containers from Wean Green make it even easier to use glass at home for all your food preparation and storage,
as well as for lunch boxes, picnics and outdoor catering.
20 Mar 2016
Tanjung Puting orangutan sanctuary expedition
In September 1996, my mother, father and I shared a truly remarkable journey to "Camp Leakey"
at the heart of Tanjung Puting National Park in the south of Kalimantan, Indonesia.
20 Mar 2016

14 May 2023

Looming health hazards of synthetic chemical repellents

Looming health hazards of synthetic chemical repellents

As temperatures rise and mosquitoes hatch in swarms, the danger of toxic chemicals loom in common household repellents.  Chemically produced mosquito repellents pose a threat to user’s health

02 April 2019

Natural Evolution

Natural Evolution

Business ideas can arise in the most unlikely circumstances. For Robert Watkins, the idea to produce the world’s first green banana flour occurred when he accidentally drove over

12 June 2018

Reduce your food waste

Reduce your food waste

Australia’s increasing food waste is becoming an epidemic that is impacting the environment and economy. Over 5 million tonnes of food is discarded annually. Not just from households,

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