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Showing posts with label hand made. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hand made. Show all posts

22 June 2011

Who's feeling crafty?

Dark, chilly and blustery nights mean lots more time spent indoors focussed on the art of "gentle pursuits" like listening to music, cooking, reading, painting, knitting or your favourite craft.

Biome has gathered some special ingredients and equipment for knitting and crafting.

Organic, Australian-grown, non-mulesing wool
** 25% OFF this week **
Organic wool growers must not use any synthetic inputs - dips, drenches, backlines or antibiotics. Instead sustainable farming practices are used such as clean pasture management, attention to soil health, environmentally sound stock ratios, good nutrition, and herbal and homeopathic treatments.

In conventional wool processing a cocktail of chemicals are used to clean or scour the wool. Organic wool is washed in certified organic biodegradable detergent. For conventional wool, chemical treatments are used to make wool un-shrinkable, moth-proof and softer. This organic wool is naturally soft because they select fine micron Australian Merino fleece to begin with and it is not subject to coarsening chemical treatments.

Lastly, the wool is grown on a property that does not practice mulesing.

Handmade wooden knitting needles
As you knit, the natural oils in your hands are absorbed into the wood making them non-stick and beautiful to knit with.  Handcrafted knitting needles made from sustainably-harvested Tasmanian Oak, lightly finished with natural, organic oils. Available in a variety of colours with white polka dots.

Craft and knitting books
Craft books for kids and adults, knitting patterns, sewing

Wooden buttons & beads
In our Paddington and Brisbane City stores, find beautiful hand made wooden & resin buttons and beads, incorporating Australian native flora - every one is unique.

28 May 2009

keeping it local with "slow shopping"

You have probably heard of "slow food", which is all about eating food that is healthy for people, is good for the people who grow it and good for the planet.

According to Slow Food Australia it is a movement to “counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions, people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world”.

It made me think that what we offer is "slow shopping". We delight in helping our customers to slow down and think about where a product comes from, what it is made from, how it is made and especially, who made it.

We support products made close to home so we can reduce our carbon footprint and foster a vibrant local community. One of our favourite local artisans is Kylie Johnson who makes her gorgeous ceramic quote tags, ornaments and earrings within a few kilometres of our store. It takes Kylie a long time to carefully hand make her ceramics and they embody simplicity.

13 May 2009

Nothing but plants in this soap

Watching TV can be quite stressful as I can't help but watch the claims from mass commercial brands. Tonight, an advertisement for a "real soap" with 1/4 moisturising cream. Actually, real soap has 100% moisturisers - just pure plant oils, like these gorgeous soaps from Est. Conventional soaps need to "put back" the moisturiser because they take it out in the first place. Many soap makers strip out the moisturising glycerine because it is more valuable to sell it to the cosmetics industry. With many commercial brands, the moisturisers are also actually from petrol, not plants.

These lovingly hand moulded Est soaps are made from olive oil. Est mix herbs, grains and oils in huge stainless steel bowls in their lovely old shop kitchen. Even better, they are free from palm oil (widely used in soap making because it's cheap), so they are not contributing to the deforestation of orangutan habitat. They last forever too -- my Nanna says we'll go broke selling them because people don't need to come back for months! natural beauty

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